I recently saw a thread on WineBerserkers where a person was criticized for participating in a tasting where too many good wines were opened on a single night. The wines opened included Mouton, Haut Brion, Lafite, Margaux, Petrus, Lafleur, Harlan, Marcassin, Krug and a number of high end Burgundies. By my count at least a few cases of wine were opened.
Comments on the WineBerserkers thread included the following:
“There are a finite number of bottles of these great wines left. Opening them up like this in some sort of hedonistic wineorgy just means fewer wines are left for people who actually want to pay attention to what they’re drinking.”
“Drinking wine in this way is an insult to the wine.”
I would contend that there is no right or wrong way when it comes to wine. You own the bottles so do what you want with them. I prefer something like a Turley Juvenile on a Monday night but if you want to open something like Scarecrow or Schrader, then go for it. I am partial to Bordeaux with at least 15 years of age but if someone wants to open a 2010 Leoville Barton, I have no problem with that. For me a great Napa Cabernet should be paired with a great steak, however, if you want to pair it with Sushi, be my guest. When a good time is being had and another bottle needs to be opened after midnight I will grab the $35 Quilceda Creek Columbia Valley Red Wine. I won’t lose sleep though, if someone else opts for the flagship $150 Quilceda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon.
The point is that wine is meant to be enjoyed. That takes on different meaning for each and every one of us. None of us should judge others on how they choose to consume or share their wine. Life is too short.
By the way I wish I could have been at the aforementioned tasting!
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Very well said, I could not agree more!
Thank you Mark!
Nice post, Tom! I, like Mark, totally agree with your point of view. Besides that, who says one can’t pay attention to what they’re drinking when a large number of fantastic wines are poured at the same wine tasting? Wine critics do it all the time. I’ve been fortunate enough to be at a couple tastings myself where a large number of terrific wines were poured together and focus by the tasters has never been a problem. In fact, my experience has been that one’s focus is heightened when doing side-by-side comparisons of great wines.
Thanks Peter. I’ve done a few of those tastings myself. Educational and fun. Good times.
Great post! Back in the 90’s, I used to attend the great pre-auction tastings put together by the Chicago Wine Co., which could feature anything from a 45 Latour to old Yquems and great California Cabs.
I learned more from these events than any other means in the world of wine, and I sure as heck paid attention to every taste!
Right. I love those events.