Welcome to the latest installment of The Week in Zinfandel. If I missed your post or story please send me a link and I will be sure to include it next week. Cheers!
1 Wine Dude reviews the 2012 m2 Wines Lodi Native Soucie Vineyard Zinfandel.
Wine Align reviews the 2012 Rock Wall Wine Co. Monte Rosso Vineyard Zinfandel.
A Wine Story writes Meeting Christopher Silva of St. Francis Winery & Vineyards.
What to Pair writes What to Pair With Zinfandel.
Wine Is My Life reviews the 2010 A. Rafanelli Zinfandel.
Zinfandel Chronicles writes Zinfandel of the Month – 2011 Angel Vine Zinfandel Columbia Valley.
Lastly, Zinfandel Advocates and Producers announced The 2015 Zinfandel Experience.
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