Random Musings

Life Lessons, Landmarks & Lynch Bages

Lynch Bages has always been a special wine to me. It was one of the first bottles of Bordeaux that really had an impact when I started this hobby 20 years ago. Through dumb luck I ended up buying large amounts of the 85, 89 and 90 vintages. I have tried over the years to add other great vintages like…

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Buying Wine, Random Musings

New to Washington Wine? Check out Sleight of Hand, Gramercy & Force Majeure

Every once in a while someone wanting to expand their wine hobby asks me: What Washington wineries should I check out? My first inclination is long-time favorites like Cayuse, Quilceda Creek or Leonetti, but the reality is your not-yet-born child is more likely to land a spot on the Cayuse mailing list than you are. Quilceda Creek and Leonetti also…

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Tom at the STP
Random Musings

Takeaways from the 2012 Seattle-to-Portland Ride

Last Saturday I participated in my 7th Seattle-to-Portland bike ride. This Northwest rite of passage is a 204 mile journey that most riders complete over two days. Some people, yours truly included, like to hammer it out in one day. You get a lot of time to think when you’re pedaling for 12 hours. I thought I’d share some pearls…

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zinfandel corks
Bottle Notes, Random Musings, Zinfandel

Zinfandel: The All-American Wine

What better way to celebrate Independence Day, the most American of holidays, than with Zinfandel, the most American of wines? France can arguably lay claim to the best Syrah, Pinot Noir, Cabernet, Merlot and Chardonnay. Germany to the best Riesling. But the USA lays claim to the best Zinfandel!

wine cellar
Buying Wine, Random Musings

Confessions of a Mailing List Addict

Conventional wisdom among wine consumers: as you mature in your wine buying habit, you gravitate from new world wines (and thus mailing lists) to the subtleties of fine Burgundy. While I do love a great Burgundy… I still get excited when a mailer arrives in my inbox. I’ve been at this for about 20 years now, and buy from more…

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