Random Musings

The Best of Zinfandel Chronicles in 2021

Ridge Lytton Springs

The end of the year is always a time to reflect on what transpired in the previous twelve months. I for one will be happy to put 2021 in the rear view mirror but I’ll save that story for another day. With that in mind I took a moment to look at what posts in 2021 generated the most traffic. Since many of you just recently started reading my blog (thank you!), I thought I’d put together a list of the most popular posts.


This coming year I hope to provide even more content beyond the daily Bottle Notes. 2022 will definitely bring an updated version of The Zinfandel Chronicles Power Rankings. You can find the 2020 version here. I intend to travel to wine country more often and to that end will certainly have more posts like some of those mentioned above. Leave a comment below if there is anything you would like to see me write about.

A sincere thanks to all of you who take the time to read Zinfandel Chronicles! Additionally, I would like to acknowledge those of you who take the time to leave comments on my blog, Twitter and Instagram. Your thoughts are much appreciated.



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