Welcome to the latest installment of The Week in Zinfandel. If I missed your post or story please send me a link and I will be sure to include it next week. Cheers!
- Bloomberg writes We Taste-Test 10 Canned Wines So You Don’t Have To.
- Isaac Baker writes Lodi Native’s Old Vine Zins Shine in 2014.
- Honest Wine Reviews reviews the 2015 Carnivor Zinfandel.
- Peg Melnik writes 10 Ways You Can Tell It’s Harvest Season in Sonoma County.
- Peter Vetsch writes Wine Review: Buena Vista Social Club.
- Randy Caparoso writes Oh Lord, Lodi! (plus 13 wines exemplifying contemporary Lodi)
- Zinfandel Chronicles reviews the 2015 Dashe Cellars Zinfandel Les Enfants Terribles McFadden Farm.
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